To do their jobs sociologists and politics are interested in the effects of poverty because the study of that issue can help them to determinate solutions to provide a best life for their citizens. First of all, before beginning to talk about the effects of property, we need to define what property is. “Poverty is the deprivation of common necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, all of which determine our quality of life. It may also include the lack of access to opportunities such as education and employment which aid the escape from poverty and/or allow one to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens.” [1] It is important to clarify that the specific aspects of poverty are not lineal. For that reason for me the principal focus isn´t the cause of poverty but the effects. These effects of poverty we have focus in three essentials parts: lack of education, the incidence of crime in society and the negative developmental outcome of children.
It is essential to understand that the lack of education can be a cause and at the same time a consequence of poverty. Considering this issue as an effect we can find that children, in countries that are considered as a poor or undeveloped do not receive a good level of education. For example in countries such as Dominican Republic, only 2% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is ear marked for Education, when it is generally accepted that the minimal percentage allotted for education, should be, at least, 4% of the GDP. Therefore, when a student, from elementary or high school does not receive a quality education we are witnessing the neglect of an important matter as an effect of poverty. In addition to this sometimes children do not have enough time to focus their mind in education because they have to work in the street, rescuing their life in dangerous jobs, all this only to help their family for cause of the poverty.
The second topic that we can see as a consequence of poverty is the level of crime inside the cities. It is understandable but not justifiable that human beings try to survive when all the opportunities are not in their favor. As a result we can see that when a family does not have enough resources to cover their basics needs, such as food or housing it may cause that many people to steal what others have obtained with a lot of effort. Besides this problem, crime and violence are not the only plague that we can see on the street, drugs, sexual harassment and abuse of authority are other kinds of crime which usually are silenced because of poverty.
The last effect to analyze is that poverty can generate ghastly results in the developmental outcome of children. For example, in the USA, according to statistics, [2] one of every five children who live in poverty is significantly more likely to experience a wide range of problems and poor developmental outcomes. Therefore, it is almost normal that children from family of lack resources suffering ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) in the schools and other activities that require the use of their minds. As another example, also, it is common that children living in poor families are often socially isolated and usually have problems of attention and social relations in classes.
As we have seen in this three different poverty can have many consequences in the life of people who are affected by that blight of society. Lack of education, crime and problems in the developmental outcome of children are only some effect generated by poverty. Although the study of the consequences of poverty is necessary and important for the rescue of people who live economic hardship, it is important for governments and social groups, not only to analyze the effects of poverty but also to prevent and avoid that so many people falling down living without the essential to each day.
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